After Kayal sets up a simple camp on dry land, he uses an alternative way to use the life gems to check in on his family.
After Kayal sets up a simple camp on dry land, he uses an alternative way to use the life gems to check in on his family.
The goblins attack Kayal to keep the shiny rock to themselves but are no match for Kayal’s fighting skill!
With the threat gone, Kayal reluctantly frees the monkey.
I was a little late with this update, sorry about that~
The group make it out of the thick jungle into a clearing, finding the ruins. However, there they find a grim sight.
While Kayal and Mira discuss monsters Elisa finds a clue as to what attacked the goblins!
You can read more about the ten gods by checking out the Lore Pages!
Aya, using her archaeological knowledge, is able to discover a hidden passage behind one of the stone murals. What secrets lie down there?